Helping Kids Enjoy Creative Gardening…

Gardening is a great activity for children and it can be a wonderfully educational one, too.The garden can be a great place to teach your kids a little biology and introduce them to the wonders of the natural world in a way that’s fun and likely to spark an interest that will last a lifetime.

Garden Activities

Encouraging Wildlife in Your Garden

Wildlife gardens are a source of fascination and joy for children; we look at what kind of garden visitor you should aim to attract and how to make them feel [...]

Garden Activities

Bringing Butterflies Into Your Garden

Butterflies are fascinating creatures. One of the greatest ways for kids to learn about and get the most from butterflies is by watching them.

Garden Activities

How to Create a Frog Friendly Pond

Tadpoles are great favourites in the garden pond; encouraging frogs to visit is surprisingly easy and just a few simple features will make the pond ideal for them.

Around The Garden:

Exploring Plant Propagation with Your Kids, Teach Kids About Local…

Ask Our Experts:

Garden Gets No Sun: Which Fruit and Veg to Grow?, Which Are the…

At School:

Introducing Kids To Organic Gardening, Garden Recycling, Get Your…


Garden Safety: Frequently Asked Questions, Growing Plants With Your…

Garden Activities:

Encouraging Children’s Gardening With an Allotment, Kids’ Quiz: What…


Flower Anatomy, Teach Kids About Pollination, Educating children…


Planting Summer Bulbs With Children, Fun Facts About Flowering…

Printable Puzzles:

Spot the Difference Garden Puzzle, Garden Tree Wordsearch, Garden..

Quick Tips:

Will a Pond Fit Into Your Children’s Garden?, Help Kids to Win at the…


Avoid Accidents in the Garden, Keep Kids Safe Around Pesticides,…

Winter Gardening:

Plants That Will Give Colour in Winter, Gardening that Kids Can Do in…